Saturday, September 26, 2009

9 weeks to 21 weeks

This is our baby girl's 1st picture! This was taken at 9 weeks. You can kind of see the shape of her head, her little arm buds and body. At 9 weeks I was feeling completely AWFUL!! The 1st trimester...Wow your never really ready for that! I always heard about morning sickness from other women but going through it is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY!!!! My morning sickness was all day and all night for about 4 1/2 months! My body was changing and I couldn't control it anymore, whatever was happening was going to happen and I had to deal with it! I've never gone through so much emotions in the 1st trimester of crying, to just feeling hopeless with being sick all day and I couldn't really take anything to help it. The one thing that helped was that Rob is the most supportive and caring husband. He has really taken the role of the care giver and does everything for me. Poor of my favorite "Pregnant Moments" was.....One Sunday after church we went to Fred Meyer with my mom to get something to eat and I was feeling really awful and I couldn't believe I made it through church but we were waiting in line and Rob was standing behind me and I felt this rush of air hit my neck and for some reason I had a "pregnant moment"! I turned around and looked at Rob with a frown on my face and asked him "Did you just breathe"!?!? the people in line looked at me like this lady is crazy! Rob had this stunned look on his face and responded " Yes babe I have to breathe for the next 9 months"!! I realized what I just said and I felt so bad! There are so many more stories but not enough room to write!

This is of our baby girl and me at 18 weeks! If you look at her picture you have a veiw of the back of her head, neck and spine. You can also see her little five fingers to the left of her head. At this point I was starting to feel better day by day and actually starting to look at food again!

Our most recent pictures. The first picture is the bottom of our baby girl's foot. Rob always makes fun of my feet because he says that my 2nd toe is so much longer than usual compare to the others and when he saw this picture at the doctors office he started to laugh because he said that she had my feet. He thinks her 2nd toe is longer than the rest like mine but I think he's CRAZY! The second picture is of me and my dear friend Zhanna who is also having a baby girl and is due in 3 weeks! Doesn't she look great! Currently I'm feeling wonderful and I can feel her move all the time and I can't believe I'm already past the 5 month mark. Rob is starting to get the baby room ready so I will keep you posted.....

How it all started......

So this is how it all began. I will never forget that day for two reasons 1. Everything was going to be different from that point on and 2. My mom was taken to the emergency room. I really didn't think I was pregnant but I wanted to take a test just to ease my mind that "I was not pregnant"? So I went to the store and bought a 3-pack test and Rob told me to wait until I got home from work so I did. We were going to get some dinner but I decided to take the test before just to see and when I went to bathroom I thought just another pregnancy test! So I waited and waited and I saw the first line and my heart was a little sad because I thought "Not pregnant" but then when the second line started to form I literally went numb all over. All I remember thinking is OH MY GOD I'M PREGNANT! I couldn't believe it! We always said that we trusted God's plan for us and whenever he wanted a baby for us then that was the time. So I opened the bathroom door and Rob was waiting for me to come out and I just walked out and stared at him and he was like "What did it say"? I just kept staring thinking OH MY GOD I'M PREGNANT! I told him it was positive and he just beamed saying "Really"!! I was like "I have to take another one"!!! Went into the bathroom and took another one and another one and again 2 lines!!! I came out just in this trance thinking this is really happening! I couldn't explain the feeling it was happiness, scared, nervous that my life and body was going to change. I always thought of being a mommy and wanted it so bad but when it actually happened it almost felt unreal! So guess who was the first person I wanted to mommy but before I could call her about it my brother called telling me she was going to the emergency room because she had a kidney stone and was extremely sick. So we got in the car and rushed to the hospital and when I saw my mom in the ER I was so overwhelmed because I wanted her to be okay but at the same time I wanted to scream at her that I was pregnant!! I knew that she would be so happy because she has been waiting for this for so long ,along with my mommy-in-law (aka. mommy #2). So there is so much more to this story but to make a loooong story short my mom ended up getting taken to a Seattle hospital and had to stay for about 2 weeks. I couldn't keep this information from her any longer so when she got out of surgery she was still a little loopy but aware of things and I knew it was bad timing but I had to tell her. We were in her hospital room and I asked her "Are you Ok"? She said "Yes why"? My brother asked her how many fingers he was holding up and she answered correctly. I said "Mom look at me" she turned her head and I said I"'m Pregnant "!!!!!and she just said with a smile "NO"!!! Rob and I had huge smiles on our face and we said "I promise"!!!! she just smiled all loopy from surgery and gave us a big hug and that's how our journey began.

Our 1st Entry......

So this is our first entry with this whole blog world. We normally don't get too involved in this type of stuff but we thought this would be a perfect way to keep our friends and family updated on our lives. If you haven't heard yet we are expecting a baby girl and our due date is Feb. 5, 2010. We are so excited and nervous at the same time. I wanted to share whats been going on up to this point and how we found out about the pregnancy and all the wonderful emotions we have gone through to this point. So I hope you enjoy our journey and know that we cherish all our dear friends and family even though sometimes its hard to connect!