Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jules weekend...

Jules had a pretty productive weekend. Friday she went to her 1st wedding! She looked pretty in her pink dress. Now that she talks A LOT it was hard to have her in the church. Right when everyone got quiet and the bride was going to walk down the aisle Jules had the urge to got GaaaaaGaaaaaa EXTREMELY loud! So daddy had to take her outside the church. She said her first word this weekend! It was Dada!! Yup Daddy got his name first! Been trying to get her to say Mama for the past 2 months but she went with Dada instead! :) I've been trying to get video of her all weekend but she gets camera shy. So the below is the best I could get this weekend! Jules also started to wave Hi and Bye this weekend!! She's growing up so fast!! Still hasn't started crawling yet but she sure loves standing. I don't know if she will go straight to walking and skip the whole crawling thing. I guess we will see...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jules is Back!!

So I decided since a lot of people have been asking how Jules is and things are a little bit easier since Jules has been born I'm going to start posting events in Jules life once a week! Jules is 7 months and 1 week and she's is definitely getting a PERSONALITY which her daddy says she gets it from me!! The following are Jules milestones to date:

1st Rollover June 26th
1st time eatting rice cereal July 4th
1st time sitting up on her own July 22nd
1st two teeth FINALLY breaking through Aug. 24th
1st time eatting in her high chair Sept. 4th

Jules getting ready for Football Season!! I think she should be wearing Colts but her daddy says otherwise!!

Jules first time eatting in her big girl chair!

Every morning Jules sits and watches her Baby You Can Read videos!