Sunday, February 12, 2012

Julia Turns 2!!!

Our little Julia is 2 and getting to be so much fun and smart! I can't stop thinking of how blessed I am to be with her everyday to share so many wonderful moments with her AND to have a wonderful husband who works hard to provide for us. My favorite mommy and daughter moments are when we go to Starbucks together and sit in the big chairs and I drink my coffee and Julia drinking her vanilla milk. I think we may be creating a monster b/c she sometimes asks to go to Starbucks!! My favorite family moments are walking in the forest picking up sticks or just having a dinner by the fire all three of us together.

One HUGE accomplishment for Julia is she's fully potty trained now!! She is still involved in her preschool and gymnastics and getting to be so brave with her jumps on the balance beams.

Her current favorites are: Olivia the pig, Greek Yogurt, Legos and pretend tea parties with her dolls.

Julia's birthday this year was a princess theme party and it was so much fun. One big present she got was a bouncy house from Dada, Mama and Grandma. All her friends had a blast jumping in it.

On Julia's actual birthday we went to Red Robin to celebrate with a ice cream Sundae.

We also celebrated her birthday at preschool with a pajama party....


Birthday Party

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